Российский производитель: донорские кресла, массажные столы, кровати медицинские функциональные. Оптом по всей России.
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New production!!!01.07.2009
New production!!!
The Functional bed КФ3 – “ Tehstroi 2” (reanimation)

New production!!!22.10.2008
New production!!!
Functional bed КФТ – 3 ВВГ/Г

New production!!!15.07.2008
New production!!!
The table for blood collection

New production!!!18.12.2008
New production!!!
Bedside Curbstone ТП-04

New production!!!27.05.2007
New production!!!
The relaxation chair КР-ТС 01

New production!!!07.07.2008
New production!!!
internals trolley for the transportation of the patients

New production!!!
Children functional bed КФД-ТС 03

New production!!!31.07.2008
New production!!!
Chair for the donor КД-“Tehstroi 6” (КД-ТС06)

New production!!!03.10.2008
New production!!!
Dressing table

New production!!!19.09.2008
New production!!!
Functional bed KФС-3ГГГ

New production!!!06.03.2009
New production!!!
The training apparatus for a knee joint is the device for maintenance and restoration of functions of a knee joint.

New colour!!!24.12.2008
New colour!!!
Since January, 2009, you can order our production in aluminium colour (RAL 9006) without an additional payment

bedside curbstone ТП-0418.12.2008
bedside curbstone ТП-04
with an adjustable table

New production!!!
Mattresses with a cover from a barrier fabric "PLASTIBERT"

"the Medicine and health 2008"
According to the results of work of the international exhibition "the Medicine and health 2008" in Perm, Ltd "Tehstroy" has been granted a medal in a nomination "Medical furniture" for high quality and excellent characteristics of functional beds.

New production!!!29.09.2008
New production!!!
Functional bed КФС-1Г

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© 2007, ООО «Техстрой»

Россия, г. Бор, Стеклозаводское шоссе, 1
тел/факс: (83159) 272-88; (83159) 2-11-71; (83159) 2-20-12
тел. в Москве: +7 (495) 505-67-02

www.tehstroi-nn.ru   Cоздание сайта IP3
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