Medical metal furniture. Functional beds, donor armchairs, massage tables, furniture for pediatrics and others
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The Functional bed КФ3 – “ Tehstroi 2” (reanimation)
It allows to create all necessary conditions for medical and preventive activities, and also comfortable conditions for the staff during the patient care.
This bed consists of the foundation (power rack), bedding, and two backs. The foundation is made of shaped pipes 40x25, 80x40, 60x30 sections. Four 125 mm diameter wheels are attached to the foundation; the central brake system is for two wheels. The wheels are made of grey “TENTE” trackless rubber. In the head and foot parts of the foundation there are backs attached to it, with the insertions made of chipboard, its thickness is 16 mm. The height of the back in the head and foot part of the bed is 690 mm. The attachment mechanism of the backs allows to remove and install them easily (Quick-detachable). The Bedding consists of three sections which are attached hinged to each other: Back, hip, foot. Horizontal section regulating:
-Back section 0-60 degrees (pneumospring)
- Foot section 0-50 degrees (pneumospring)
- Trandelenburg 0-26 degrees (pneumospring)
- Anti-Trandelenburg 0-14 degrees (pneumospring)
The bedding sections are made of the round 32 mm diameter pipe and the steel sheet, its thickness is 0,9 mm. From the bottom side the bedding has jumpers (amplifiers) made of the profile pipes 20x20, the 50x25x3 mm section. The foot and back parts change their positions by handles which are on the both sides of the bed. The Hip part of the bedding is fixed. Trandenburg and Anti-Trandenburg regulating is carried out by the steel lever on the both sides. The Height regulating of the mattress basis 415-810 mm is hydraulic by two foot pedals on the both sides of the bed. All the adjustments are performed continuously and effortlessly.
The bed has two mattress limiters in the head and foot parts, and also four plastic bumpers at the edges. The power rack is covered with thermo-shaped ABS plastic crankcases. All the metal parts of the bed are painted with polymer-powder paint.
Overall dimensions of the bedding:
Head section 830x800
Hip section 830x485
Foot section 830x710
The Height from the floor to the bedding – min 415 max 810
The Length of the side rails – 1910mm
Max load 200 kg
Overall dimensions : 2165x965 or 865 x max 1310
Additional equipment: side rails, dropper stand, stand for the bedpan, mattress, central brakes for four wheels (3+1)
Package amount 1.1 cbm
Gross mass: 135 kg

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Roslyakova-19, Bor, Russia
Tel/fax: +7 83159 21171, 22036
+7 83159 22012, 99349